Well my dearest family. The mission is awesome.
And it seems as though another change has come and gone and I can hardly
believe it. So my companion has changes Wednesday so I’ll have to let you know
next week who my new comp is. It’s been a roller coaster ride with Elder
Hernandez but I’m pretty sure I’ve learned more from him than all the other
companions I have had. He’s a great guy and I know he will have a lot of success
in his next area... So ya, I’ll be here in Buena Vista at least another 6 weeks!
Seeing as though I didn’t
get to talk about it last week in my letter. HAPPY FATHER’S DAY POPS!! I
literally can’t express the amount of love I have for you and how grateful I am
to have a dad as awesome as you. Throughout my time here on the mission I’ve
been able to look back on every single experience we had together and it almost
always corresponds with a general conference talk or some scripture or
something. In the moment I have to admit I sometimes thought you had no idea
what you were talking about and well, now I know... tenia toda la razon, haha.
I laugh so much when I think about when you took Zacho and me to Butterfield Canyon
and talked about girls and having respect for them. Zacho and I were just like
laughing the whole time and couldn’t figure out what you were trying to get at.
We just wanted to eat the hot dogs and get out of there. Years later the things
you had said came to my mind and I realized how important the lesson was that
you were trying to teach us. I could tell about a million other times you
taught me important things but I think the most important is that I love you
Dad. You’re the best father in the world and I’m so grateful to be your son!
Hmmm, there’s a whole bunch
of things I would like to say from this week. So first thing is that Elder
Alonso came this week to a meeting we had and he taught us so many awesome
things. He is so powerful and the spirit he carries is unreal. So he was
talking to us about studying the scriptures and taking lessons out of stories
that we don’t usually catch. We were talking about Lehi’s vision and how we
could compare it to the Plan of Salvation. He’s like, ‘How many sons did Lehi
have...6... how many partook of the fruit? 4. Nephi Sam Joseph and Jacob. How
many didn’t take the fruit? 2.Laman and Lemuel. So.... 4/6 decided to partake
of the fruit. Which is the same amount of people that decided to come to this
earth. 2/3 of the hosts of heaven chose to come to the earth and follow the
plan of Jesus Christ. While the other 1/3. (Laman and Lemuel) chose to follow Satan’s
plan.' Hopefully that makes sense. It’s just crazy how someone could understand
that. So ya the meeting with Elder Alonso was awesome.
I made a new record this
week of not going a single day without eating rice and chicken. Yippee, haha!
I finally got the Liahona
from the last conference session in English. And I thought listening to the
talks the first time was amazing!
This week was so sweet
because the guy who we are going to marry this weekend went to church. Alfredo
was able to go as well and stayed the whole three hours, which is huge. And the
best thing of all was that Carlos Linares, who had problems with his wife
getting assaulted and stuff and who we have been visiting a lot, came to church
for the first time in 3 years. Boy oh boy did I have the biggest smile on my
face when I saw him walking through the chapel doors! It was the coolest thing
ever. He has been through so much but was finally able to understand that it
doesn’t matter what we have to go through if we are able to make it to the
temple as a family. I’m excited to continue to help him progress and prepare to
enter into the temple in the coming months.
That’s probably all I have
time for this week. Zacho, I’m jealous of the cruise bro. That’s so rad. Dad, I
hope yesterday was a good Father’s Day. You’re the best. Grandpa Crump and
Stevenson, I have to say thanks to you guys as well for being such great
fathers and grandfathers. You guys are some of the best examples in the world!
Have a great week fam, love ya!
Elder Crump
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Zona Chalchuapa with Elder Alonso. Matthew's on the first row of elders, sixth from the left (sort of). |
Elder Hernandez eating a mango. |
Study time :0) |
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