Matthew didn't send a general letter this week but here are a few things that he said in his other letters home:
- He had the chance to watch Conference and loved the talk by Elder Owen in the Priesthood session. Sometimes we are leaders and sometimes we are followers and sometimes we are both at once.
- He also liked the talk by Elder Anderson when he referred to "the tens of thousands of young men and young women from all around the world who embrace the gospel without a mother or father to come into the Church with them." His companion is a convert of just over a year whose parents aren't members. He is reading the Book of Mormon for the first time with Matthew and loves it. He just has such a desire to share his testimony.
- He and his companion try to be super obedient and diligent but haven't seen the blessings yet as far as finding new people to teach. One of the missionaries in the mission hasn't been a good example or obedient at all and so the work has suffered.
Here are some pictures of Barrio Salinas in Atiquizaya where Matthew works.
The little red cars are mototaxis that are everywhere.
Matthew lives three streets over from where this picture was taken.
This is the little bridge he crosses every day. |
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