Monday, March 14, 2016

6 Free Laminas Please...

Elder Crump, checking in here from Atiquizaya, land of the classic El Salvador cities, where all the streets and houses look exactly the same. An area extremely difficult to open up because you can get lost in two seconds, haha. Such is life now in the mission!

This week went really well for my new comp and me. My son is ELder Ordoñez from Huehuetenango, Guatemala. My second chapin (Guatemalan) son, haha. He is a convert from 2 years ago but is super sweet. He is a little shy but loves to talk, mess around and play soccer so things are just great! We are working hard and are already seeing miracles here in Manantiales. So I guess I’ll just tell you about two things that happened this week, one of course has to be something funny, the other more spiritual. So here it goes,

The spiritual: Yesterday we had like an hour before we needed to go to an appointment we had and I am just sitting there thinking, four days of just knocking doors has just about killed me, so I’m just going to go look for a less active. I tried as best as I could to listen to the Spirit to understand were we needed to go and who we should go look for. We had already gone to look for a lady named Ruth yesterday but that’s where I felt we needed to go. In my mind I’m like, ‘You just went yesterday, you can go again another day!’ But I felt like that’s where we need to go! So we went and the lady wasn’t there, but next door we found a teenager that turned out to be her son, who hasn’t gone to church in a few months. I talked to him a sec and then asked what his friend’s name was that he was sitting with. So we met Bryan, who’s 16 and has desires to change his life and be baptized, because he has never done it before. We are going to go back to teach him tomorrow but it was so awesome to really strive for the guidance of the Spirit, receive it, and then see the blessings!

So, the funny thing that happened this week.  We were out contacting on Friday and, as always, we were handing out little cards about the church. One of the cards has six little pictures of the life of Jesus Christ so that’s the one I gave to this guy, and we left, planning to come back the next day. So we go back the next morning and he has seats waiting for us and he’s just super happy to see us. I’m just super stoked and thinking he’s a golden investigator for sure. So after talking a bit he’s like, ‘I have a question...I’m like go for it... He says, ¨you guys gave me a card that says on the back, (Have 6 free laminas of Jesus Christ as a token of our gratitude) Or something like that... so he says, ‘When can I have those 6 laminas...?’ (a lamina is just like a picture).  So I tell him that we don’t have them with us right now but if he goes to the temple with us, that we can buy a few for him there! He’s just like, ‘I have to go all the way to San Salvador just to get these laminas???’ I said yes, you do! Then something came to my mind and I ask him, ‘What kind of laminas are you thinking of receiving?’  He says, ‘Laminas to build my house obviously!!’ Hahaha! So here people make their houses of lamina, which are like 6 feet long metal sheets that they nail to sticks to make their house. So when the guy read on the little card we gave him, that we had a gift of 6 free laminas of Jesus for him, he thought we were going to give him 6 laminas from Jesus, so that he could make himself a small house....slight misunderstanding, haha! Needless to say he wasn’t interested in the message of the restoration.

Well that’s all family. Stay classy. Stay active. Be witnesses of Christ at all times!

Love you all,

Elder Crump

The baptism of Bryan in Nahuizalco the day Matthew left.
A year ago he baptized Bryan's mother.

With the Ward Mission Leader and his wife in Atiquizaya.

Matthew's new companion, Elder Ordonez from Guatemala.

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