Man time sure does fly down here!! Every day is
just a constant blur!! I learned a lot this week so here are a few of the
things that happened...
So we baptized Christian Linares this week!! It was such a
sweet experience and definitely the boost I needed to keep going. It’s crazy
how much the Lord had prepared him to hear our lessons.. We seriously went
straight through the lessons and then baptized him, yet my comp said he is one
of the most prepared people he has baptized. Three weeks and he was baptized.
Crazy!! It’s so awesome to see the Lord’s hand in things!
We had interchanges this week and it was a really cool
experience to spend the day with the Zone Leader Elder Sanchez. He is from
Mexico and a real great missionary. But while we were teaching we met a lady
from Salt Lake. She had lived like three blocks from Temple Square and yet
never once had a visit from the missionaries. She told us all about the people
at work and stuff that would try and invite her to church stuff but she always
rejected it. Then she decided to return to El Salvador to help raise here kids
some more... Now she’s progressing a ton, has a testimony of the Book of Mormon
and is almost for sure getting baptized. How weird is that? A lady accepts the
church clear out here in El Salvador but lived not three blocks from temple
square. It really hit me that every little but of missionary work we do helps.
Those people back in Utah have no idea that the little invitations they gave
had an effect on this lady some twenty years later, in a different country.
Really cool stuff.
Last P Day we got to play a sweet soccer game with all the
local guards in our city against the guys in our zone. It was sooo awesome to
play soccer on a full field again and we decided to make it a weekly tradition.
Definitely looking forward to it again next week!!
We have an investigator named Daniel, 19 years old, whose
whole family was baptized last month by my comp but he is still struggling to
accept the gospel. We have been teaching him like almost every day and slowly
making progress. Something really cool though is that we both have the same
favorite team: Borussia Dortmund from Germany.
Thus every day he gives me the update on the team and we have already
become super good friends. It’s really helping him trust us as missionaries and
he’s gotten super close to baptism now. It’s so sweet. Mostly I just want my
Mom to know that maybe those countless hours of watching soccer all day weren’t
for nothing :)
That’s all for this week. It was a great one that’s for
sure! Maybe in my letters it seems like the mission life is just super awesome
24/7... which it is. But don’t get me wrong, it’s still super hard. I get
homesick a bunch and want to just sit on the curbs and cry... BUT I know this
is where I need to be so I push on. And it’s worth it 100%. Hopefully you all
have a great week!!
Elder Crump
Scripture covers |
Making pancakes- "Amazing little circles of happiness" |
Elder Johnasen, Christian & Matthew (He always looks so tall in the pictures) |
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